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Welcome to the OHS Class of '73 Reunion!

Friday, August 4th


All-class gathering at Frohring Meadows Park on Savage Rd in Bainbridge. Pizza, water, and ice will be provided.

The gathering will be from 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. Those who wish are welcome to continue the festivities at the Greenville Inn.

There is no charge for this gathering.

Saturday, August 5th


Note that the school tour has been canceled because of construction at the school.


The main reunion event will be held at Tanglewood Club, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, from 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The event will include hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, sit-down dinner, and “our” music.

Cost is $120 per person.

Sunday, August 6th


Brunch buffet at Tanglewood Club - $50 per person. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Attire is casual for all events.


Hotel and Transportation

Scott and Sue Lafferty have arranged for a block of 20 rooms at the Cleveland Marriott East at a cost of $129 per night. To ensure that you get the preferred rate, we suggest that you call the hotel directly at (216)378-9191.

Events on all three days are approximately a 20-minute drive from the hotel. The hotel does not provide any transportation so if a group of attendees wants to travel to the event together, plan on carpooling, using Uber, or seeking other means (such as a limousine service) at their cost.

Three Ways to Pay



Make checks payable to:

Rick Tomko
84 May Court
Chagrin Falls, Ohio



Phone: (XXX)XXX-2457



[email protected]

(Be sure to use the friend/family option to avoid the fee)

Song Requests

If you have a favorite song from our era that you would like to have included in the Saturday evening playlist, please email Gary Parker at  [email protected].

Would You Like to Make a Donation?

Contact Rick Tomko ([email protected]) if you would like to make a donation to remember a classmate or favorite teacher, or contribute to the event in general. Your donation will be acknowledged appropriately.


Roseann Rabek Hicks ([email protected]), Chair

Celeste DiVita Wagner
Karen Garfinkel
Brad Hicks
Scott Lafferty
Sue Moore Lafferty
Gary Parker
Wendi Pomerantz Zaret
Bill Shankland
Paul Sherwood
Cindy Smercina Bomeli
Rick Tomko (Treasurer)
Joe Triscaro
Barb Voyer